Smart Hotel NEO Pskov

Reserve room
Booking accommodation

Smart Hotel NEO Pskov

The rules of reservation and stay of hotel Smart Hotel NEO Pskov

Check in: 14:00 (early check-in possible)
Check out: 12:00 (late check out possible)
The cost of the room includes breakfast in the hotel restaurant
Smoking, using tobacco products, electronic cigarettes, devices for consuming tobacco products without combustion, and hookahs are prohibited

Accommodation rules

  1. Your room in Smart Hotel NEO will be ready on the day of your arrival from 2.00 p.m. onwards. Check-out time: 12.00 p.m.
  2. Payment in Smart Hotel NEO is charged per day of stay according to the estimated time.
  3. For stays of less than a day at Smart Hotel NEO, payment is made for a full settlement day in accordance with the set check-in time and check-out time.
  4. In case of early departure due to a reduction in the length of stay at the hotel compared to the booked period of stay, the Guest undertakes to notify the hotel of such a reduction in the length of stay, as well as pay to make a payment for the actual hotel services provided.
  5. Room rate includes value added taxes.
  6. A hotel room is provided to the Guest upon presentation of the original passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or a passport of a foreign citizen with a valid migration card / visa, as well as filling out and signing the Guest's registration card. Citizens of foreign countries must first check the possibility of accommodation with the hotel staff.
  7. Stay of citizens with children under 1 year old with the possibility of feeding and changing clothes without providing a bed for a period of one hour to 3 (three) hours (the service applies to one adult and one or more children under the age of 1 year).
  8. Accommodation of disabled children and one accompanying person without a bed is free for a period up to 3 hours from the moment of accommodation.
  9. Accommodation of disabled children with the provision of a bed is free for a period up to one calendar day from the moment of check-in, accompanied by one adult with the provision of a bed for him - with full payment in accordance with the established rate.
  10. A guest who has not paid for accommodation is obliged to vacate the room or is subject to forced eviction.

Extra charge

  1. Children under 5 years old are accommodated free of charge in the same room with their parents without extra bed. For the placement of children over 5 years old, adults on an extra bed and for the provision of extra bed for children under 5 years old, a fee is charged according to the hotel's price list.
  2. The guest has the right to invite 1 visitor to his room from 07:00 to 23:00 when purchasing the entire room. If the visitor remains in the room after 23:00, he must register and pay for the accommodation service according to the hotel price list. Accommodation of visitors is subject to availability.
  3. The guest is obliged to reimburse the hotel for losses in case of loss or damage to hotel property, and is also responsible for violations caused by the invited persons (visitors). The amount of damage is determined by the hotel administration.

No smoking

  1. Smoking of tobacco products, electronic cigarettes and hookahs in the rooms and throughout the hotel (corridors, halls, elevators, restaurant, etc.) is not allowed.
  2. Smoking is allowed only in a designated area.
  3. The guest is obliged to comply with the provisions of the Federal Law of 23.02.2013 N 15-FZ “About protection of citizens' health from the effects of second hand tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption.”

Early check-in / Late check-out

  1. Early check-in from 12.00 a.m. to 02.00 p.m. is paid additionally at the rate of 50% cost of the stay.
  2. Late check-out from 01.00 p.m. to 11.00 p.m. is paid additionally at 10% cost of the stay per 1 hour.

Terms of payment

  1. Accommodation is payable during check-in or before check-in.
  2. By reservation confirmation Guest accepts and agrees with the above-mentioned conditions, including cancellation procedure and no show rules.
  3. All prices are in rubles (RUB). Payment is due in rubles (RUB). We accept payment by cash, bank transfer or bank cards of the following payment systems: Visa, MasterCard, MIR.

Guaranteed and non-guaranteed booking

Non-guaranteed booking will be canceled if the guest does not check in after 18:00. Guests planning to check-in after 18:00 need to make a guaranteed reservation by making a prepayment on the official website.

Guaranteed booking - prepaid booking for the first day or for the entire period of stay. The prepayment can be refunded in accordance with the rules of the hotel.


  1. Cancellation earlier than 24 hours before arrival at the hotel (check-in date) is free of charge.
  2. You can cancel your reservation by sending an email request
  3. In case of cancellation less than 24 hours before arrival at the hotel (check-in date) or in case of no-show, the prepayment amount for the first day will not be refunded and is considered compensation for downtime.
  4. In case of shortening the period of stay, a refund is made for services not actually rendered.
  5. Non-guaranteed (unpaid) reservations are automatically canceled after 18:00.

It is prohibited in the hotel

  1. Carry and store in the hotel (room) substances, materials and things that are unsafe for life.
  2. Leave unauthorized persons in the room (persons who did not fill out and did not sign the Guest Registration Card), and also give them the room key.
  3. Use electric heating appliances, not included in room equipment.
  4. Use hotel and room equipment for other purposes.
  5. Make noise and disturb hotel guests.
  6. Bring and keep firearms, gas, pneumatic and other weapons, special equipment, armament, devices and ammunitions for them on the territory of the hotel. In case if the Guest has any kind of the weapon, special devices and means, ammunitions and bullets for them the hotel has the right to refuse of settlement.

    The hotel reserves the right to refuse accommodation to persons in a state of intoxication, as well as those showing aggressive or inappropriate behavior.

    A tenant who commits any violation of law and order is subject to forced eviction.

Accommodation with animals

  1. Only small dogs of non-fighting breeds, weighing up to 5 kilograms, are accepted as pets allowed at the hotel. Other animals are not allowed. The hotel reserves the right to refuse the accommodation of the Guest with a pet.
  2. Pets are allowed when the Guest buys the entire room.
  3. The cost of living for one animal is 1000 rubles in Smart Hotel NEO.
  4. The guest must have a special carrier (cage) for the animal and a special mat for his sleeping. It is forbidden to leave the animal unattended and outside the special carrier (cage).
  5. To feed the animal, the Guest must bring special dishes.
  6. To meet the natural needs of the animal that do not require walking, the Guest must bring with him a special tray or other special bedding.
  7. Throughout the hotel (corridors, halls, elevators, etc.) and during walking, dogs must be muzzled, collared and on a leash accompanied by the Guest.
  8. Dogs are not allowed in the food service area (restaurant, buffet, etc.).
  9. Guests arriving on vacation at the hotel with a pet must have an animal's passport and a certificate from a veterinarian with a note of all vaccinations that were given to the pet.

Fire safety

  1. When checking in, Guests are required to familiarize themselves with the Fire Safety Rules and sign a document on their mandatory implementation.
  2. Guests are required to comply with the Fire Safety Rules.
  3. After finishing using electrical appliances, do not forget to turn them off, be careful when using matches.


Main page Hotels Pskov Smart Hotel NEO Pskov The rules of reservation and stay

Room price includes:
accommodation of your choice, Wi-Fi and taxes.

Children up to 5 years old are allowed to stay with their parents for free, with no extra beds provided. The cost of an extra bed for children over the age of 5 and adults is 500 ₽.

Smart Hotel NEO Pskov has been awarded the "no stars" category. Registration number of the certificate: АА-008/303-2021. Validity: until 13.12.2024.