Smart Hotel KDO Tomsk

Reserve room
Booking accommodation

Smart Hotel KDO Tomsk

Additional information hotel Smart Hotel KDO Tomsk

Main phone numbers

Reception: +7 (985) 812-00-89
Bus station: +7 (3822) 54-07-30
Railway station (information service): +7 (800) 775 00 00
Airport: +7 (3822) 932-700

Helpful information

At the reception desk you can always get any information you need about:

  • hotel services and amenities;
  • hotel deals and special offers;
  • information about the city.

Acquaintance with Tomsk

Find out more about the city and its attractions that deserve special attention on a special page: TOMSK

Booking and accommodation rules

In order to ensure safety on the territory of the hotel, we ask you to study and follow the rules of residence posted on the RULES page

Legal information

Petrovsky Alliance LLC
TIN 7813593864
PSRN 1147847257326
Legal address: 197022, Russia, St. Petersburg, Karpovka River Embankment 5, building 22A, room 14-N
Actual address: 634012, Russia, Tomsk, Kirova Avenue, 70

Methods of payment

We accept payment by cash, bank transfer or bank cards of the following payment systems: Visa, MasterCard, MIR.

Main page Hotels Tomsk Smart Hotel KDO Tomsk Additional information

Room price includes: accommodation of your choice, Wi-Fi, taxes.

Children up to 5 years old are allowed to stay with their parents for free, with no extra beds provided. The cost of an extra bed for children over the age of 5 and adults is 500 ₽. Guests staying in rooms of categories “Economy without bathroom” can use the bathroom and shower located on the floor.

Smart Hotel KDO Tomsk has been awarded the "no stars" category. Registration number of the certificate: АА-008/283-2021. Validity: until 20.11.2024.