Smart Hotel KDO Rostov-on-Don

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Smart Hotel KDO Rostov-on-Don

General information of hotel Smart Hotel KDO Rostov-on-Don

Dear guests!
From 01.01.25 a TOURIST TAX of 100 rubles was introduced.

Smart Hotel KDO is a comfortable hotel in Rostov-on-Don, located at the railway station. The number of rooms is located on the 8th and 9th floors. Reception of guests is carried out daily and around the clock.


We offer 28 rooms.

General information

Ресурс 74 Airport, km 50
Ресурс 83 Bus station, km 0,3
Ресурс 53 Railway station, km 0
Ресурс 19 Rooms 22
Working hours 24/7

For leisure

Ресурс 68 Free Wi-Fi

Paid services

Ресурс 126 Storage of personal belongings

Free services (on request)

Ресурс 92 Hair dryer
Iron and ironing board
Main page Hotels Rostov-on-Don Smart Hotel KDO Rostov-on-Don

Room price includes: accommodation of your choice, taxes.

Children up to 5 years old are allowed to stay with their parents for free, with no extra beds provided. Some rooms are not equipped with a shower, guests can use the shower in the block on the floor.

Smart Hotel KDO Rostov-on-Don has been awarded the "no stars" category. Registry entry number: С612024013858